Inscriptions in medieval images

Digital edition

ΟΡΑΣΙΣ is a digital platform for visualizing and presenting inscriptions from monuments of Christian art from the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period on the territory of Bulgaria and other Balkan countries, part of the so-called Byzantine Commonwealth. (see more) The inscriptions have a religious content and are generally classified as explanations, i.e. clarifying the names of scenes or characters in the temple or the icon, invocations – prayers, exclamations from the Bible, the liturgy, i.e. sacred texts related to divine service and donor’s inscriptions, valuable above all for their historical information.

The inscriptions are presented through photographic material, reading, and commentary, both on the epigraphic data themselves and on the sources from which the corresponding texts are taken.

ΟΡΑΣΙΣ starts with a corpus of about 200 inscriptions in Greek from the 17th century, mostly from the territory of Western and Northwestern Bulgaria, documented and studied by Dr. Tsvetan Vasilev, a specialist in Classics from SU "St. Kliment Ohridski". In the course of time, new epigraphic material will be added.

ΟΡΑΣΙΣ is an innovative project to help the researcher with further philological and art studies: it provides numerous opportunities for specialized search and sorting of information according to various parameters – chronological, iconographic, textual, geographical, etc.

ΟΡΑΣΙΣ, from the ancient Greek language vision, contemplation, can be a valuable helper when you еnter into the temple and look at the old medieval images of Christian saints – the texts in their scrolls are the fruit of contemplation and prayer to God.


Съвременното кодиране позволява проследява и показване на различни елементи от надписите. Системата автоматично генерира списъци на свързани елементи показващи разширена информация за елемента и свързаните с него надписи.


От 1706 до 1775 година

Last edited Inscriptions

Editor: Cvetan Vasilev
Church: Church of St Elijah, Boboshevo, Region: Кюстендилска област
ἅγηος Κύριος ὁ παντεπόπτης ὁ ἐβασήλευψε ἐνεδι ὁ καθήμενος ἐν δόξῃ τὸν ἐπὴ θρόνου χερουβὴμ...
Iconographic index: Christ Pantocrator ** -> Christ -> Pantocrator
Language: Greek
Editor: Cvetan Vasilev
Church: Church of St Nicolas, Seslavtsi, Region: Софийска област
τάδε λ έγη Κύ ρηος πά ντες ἡ λα ὴ συνα χθίτοσαν
Iconographic index: Prophet Micha
Scene: Имитация на текст
Language: Greek
Editor: Cvetan Vasilev
Church: Church of St Nicolas, Seslavtsi, Region: Софийска област
θημη ατήρι ον ἅγ ηόν ἐ στη
Iconographic index: Zachariah Prophets, Prophetesses -> Zachariah
Scene: Имитация на текст
Language: Greek
Editor: Cvetan Vasilev
Church: Church of St Nicolas, Seslavtsi, Region: Софийска област
Iconographic index: Constantine and Helena ** -> Saints -> Constantine and Helena
Scene: Имена на персонажи
Language: Greek
Editor: Cvetan Vasilev
Church: Church of St Nicolas, Seslavtsi, Region: Софийска област
εὐλογημέ νος Θ σία Θεοῦ πιήσατε
Iconographic index: Angel of God angels -> Angel of God
Scene: Нечетливи надписи
Language: Greek
Personal names
Mentioned places
Last added churchs

Seslavski Monastery "St. Nicholas" is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located in the Sofia Mountains, above the Sofia district of Seslavci. It was founded in the early 17th century, but was destroyed by the Ottoman Turks in the early 19th century. It was restored in 1832 by the abbot Hariton. In the 1950s and 1960s, a uranium mine operated on the...

Брой надписи: 11
Връзки :
wp: Linck

St. Elijah Church is an Eastern Orthodox church located in the town of Boboshevo, Bulgaria. It was built in 1687 and is one of the most important architectural monuments in the region. The church is a single-nave, single-apse structure with a narthex and a spacious interior. It is built of rubble stone with mortar and wooden beams. The church is...

Брой надписи: 1
Връзки :
wp: Linck
Klada Bg
Logo SU
Sofia University
Kliment Ohridski