Inscriptions in medieval images

Digital edition


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Връзки :
wp: Linck

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Връзки :
geonames: Linck

Брой надписи: Все още няма добавени
Връзки :
geonames: Linck

Брой надписи: Все още няма добавени
Връзки :
geonames: Linck

Брой надписи: Все още няма добавени
Връзки :
wp: Linck

Seslavski Monastery "St. Nicholas" is an Eastern Orthodox monastery located in the Sofia Mountains, above the Sofia district of Seslavci. It was founded in the early 17th century, but was destroyed by the Ottoman Turks in the early 19th century. It was restored in 1832 by the abbot Hariton. In the 1950s and 1960s, a uranium mine operated on the...

Брой надписи: 11
Връзки :
wp: Linck

Брой надписи: Все още няма добавени
Връзки :
geonames: Linck
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